Translating Science Into Business Enterprise

The Founding Scientists
For over 14 years, we have made it our mission to collaborate with innovative practitioners, nutritional experts, and scientists to realize their concepts and ideas into life changing products and applications. This cultivated group called "The Founding Scientists," is what makes GHT the unique, robust and respected organization in industries of nutrition and health.

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Successful diversification. Is highly sought but rarely acquired. Our unwavering commitment to the "Founding Scientists" provides us with the strategic positioning to continually introduce industry-leading discoveries to the global markets through our diversified group of companies, resulting in optimal and comprehensive market exposure on behalf of our "Founding Scientists" partners.

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Unique. You may not always be abe to see it, smell it or taste it but it is the critical ingredient that makes every GHT product pioneering, relevant and more effective.

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The Power of Probiotics  [May-20-2013]

Everyone has heard of antibiotics and it's almost getting to the point where most people have heard about probiotics, even if they're not exactly sure what they are and what they do.

70% of your immune system lies in your digestive tract, making intestinal health vital for the health of your whole body.

Probiotics are designed to have the opposite effect of antibiotics. We all know that doctors prescribe antibiotics to kill bacteria and viruses. But antibiotics don't discriminate and they kill the good as well as the bad. With probiotics you are being proactive.

Did you know...

  • The gastrointestinal tract contains around 100 trillion bacteria.
  • In healthy people 85% of our bacteria are good; 15% are bad.
  • There are more than 400 strains of beneficial bacteria in the normal digestive tract.

But bacteria are bad. Right? Actually, that's half right. Our digestive tract is filled with both bad and good bacteria. Probiotics are the good guys, the good bacteria or friendly flora, and you want more of them in your army to battle the bad guys, the bad bacteria. Too much bad bacteria can lead to ailments such as Chron's disease, colitis, Irritable Bowel Syndrome, diverticulitis, Candida, constipation and diarrhea.

Do we really need probiotics? Absolutely, whether you get them from food or supplements-or both. The good bacteria in our systems is under constant attack because of poor diet, stress, exposure to toxic substances and, yes, antibiotics. When our gut flora is diminished it lowers our defenses. The good bacteria help us to effectively digest and absorb nutrients and there is increasing evidence that they boost our immune systems and manufacture B vitamins.