Translating Science Into Business Enterprise

The Founding Scientists
For over 14 years, we have made it our mission to collaborate with innovative practitioners, nutritional experts, and scientists to realize their concepts and ideas into life changing products and applications. This cultivated group called "The Founding Scientists," is what makes GHT the unique, robust and respected organization in industries of nutrition and health.

What that means for business enterprise
Successful diversification. Is highly sought but rarely acquired. Our unwavering commitment to the "Founding Scientists" provides us with the strategic positioning to continually introduce industry-leading discoveries to the global markets through our diversified group of companies, resulting in optimal and comprehensive market exposure on behalf of our "Founding Scientists" partners.

How that benefits every GHT product you buy
Unique. You may not always be abe to see it, smell it or taste it but it is the critical ingredient that makes every GHT product pioneering, relevant and more effective.

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At GHT we are continuously looking at ways to improve our customer's health through natural methods. We encourage you to keep up with current health information by reading the Health Tips articles provided below.

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Health Tip Articles:

How Your Digestive System Acts as Your Second Brain by Dr. Gary Shima, M.D., CEO and Medical Director of the Health and Longevity Institute of San Marcos, CA.

The importance of our digestive system demands great attention. Just as our skin is an envelope for protecting us from outside invaders such as microbes and noxious particles, our digestive system functions in no less a capacity.

The barrier effects of our intestines include protective immune function, by tremendous clusters of lymphocytes in the intestinal wall, highly concentrated colonies of probiotic bacteria that kill microbes and aid digestive functions. Numerous chemical neurotransmitters emit from our gastrointestinal tract that signal back and forth with our brain and other organs in our body such effects have researchers calling our GI tract a "second brain."

Disease begins and ends with the condition of our GI tract, therefore it is very important that high levels of oxygen, probiotics, digestive enzymes, and proper nutrients be provided on a daily basis.

How Digestive Enzymes Work Throughout Your Body

Enzymes are catalysts, or substances that speed up the rate of reaction but are not changed or used up in the reaction. They are proteins and highly specific for the substrates, or molecules/nutrients, that they can cat on.

Enzyme Reaction Process

  • 1. Enzyme and substrate are available
  • 2. Substrate binds to enzyme
  • 3. Substrate is converted and products are released

The Digestive System Basics


Chemical and mechanical breakdown of foods into smaller units that can be taken across the intestinal epithelium into the body.


Active or passive transfer of digested nutrients from the lumen of the GI tract to the extracellular fluid. Circulation brings nutrients to every cell in the body, which are used by the cells as energy to do work.


Undigested waste material leaves the body.