Translating Science Into Business Enterprise

The Founding Scientists
For over 14 years, we have made it our mission to collaborate with innovative practitioners, nutritional experts, and scientists to realize their concepts and ideas into life changing products and applications. This cultivated group called "The Founding Scientists," is what makes GHT the unique, robust and respected organization in industries of nutrition and health.

What that means for business enterprise
Successful diversification. Is highly sought but rarely acquired. Our unwavering commitment to the "Founding Scientists" provides us with the strategic positioning to continually introduce industry-leading discoveries to the global markets through our diversified group of companies, resulting in optimal and comprehensive market exposure on behalf of our "Founding Scientists" partners.

How that benefits every GHT product you buy
Unique. You may not always be abe to see it, smell it or taste it but it is the critical ingredient that makes every GHT product pioneering, relevant and more effective.

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ThreeLac Maintenance Pack Vibrant Nutraceuticals

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What People Are Saying...

See how ThreeLac is credited for helping Actress and Author, Jenny McCarthy's son, Evan, with his autism symptoms. Read excerpts from her book, Louder than Words: A Mother's Journey in Healing Autism

"Dr. Kartzinel had told me there are children who dramatically improve with something as simple as an antifungal, once the overgrowth of yeast is removed from their body."

"To remove Evan's candida, we did start him out on a prescription of Diflucan but after a few weeks, I switched him to a natural supplement that did the same thing. It is called ThreeLac. This is the stuff that really made Evan excrete yeast and start talking more. It takes months to get the job done, so be patient..."

"Evan was still excreting yeast out of every part of his body, and every time he did, he would break through more. I stood in that moment and relished the confirmation of Evan's healing. It was happening before everyone's eyes. It had been about a month and a half, and Evan was still going through major yeast die-offs. According to my Google degree on yeast, this would continue until his body was a bit more balanced."

-Jenny McCarthy, Actress, Author of Louder than Words: A Mother's Journey in Healing Autism

"[In order to support your weight loss goals] here are things you can do at home to increase available oxygen to your cells: add a few drops of an oxygenating product to your water. Try Oxygen Elements Plus." - Sherrie Natrass, "The Weight Loss Miracle," Women's Health Fitness Magazine

"Candida symptoms were reduced in [89%] of subjects studied who took ThreeLac as instructed."
- Dr. Gary J. Shima, ThreeLac Study

"Cholesterol levels were recorded lower in [70%] of the clinical subjects who took Oxygen Elements drops as instructed."
- Dr. Gary J. Shima, OE Plus Study